Sandgate Chapter’s formation, institution and installation meeting took place in the Sandgate Town Hall, 15th March 1933 at 3:00pm.
The Instituting Officer was Brother James Gibson, PWP of Hamilton Chapter No 335 (UGCA 54). The Installation was performed by Sister J. R. McLean, (PWM Hamilton Chapter), assisted by Sister C. McPherson (Installing Marshal and PWM of Northgate Chapter No 283 (UGCA 29) and Sister J Crawford (Installing Chaplain and also PWM Northgate Chapter).
Sandgate Chapter moved to Brisbane where meetings were held in St. Lukes Hall, in Charlotte Street. During the war, blackouts made travelling difficult for members so they returned to Sandgate and met in the Drill Hall for a little while. The Chapter then moved to St. Nicholas’ Church Hall and stayed there for approximately 33 years. The next move was the Brighton Uniting Church Hall on the corner of Nathan Street and Queens Parade.
In 1985, when The UGCA was established, Sandgate Chapter was re-numbered to No 61 and moved to the Freemason’s Home in Sandgate.
Sandgate was always highly praised by the Brisbane DG Chapter, for their ceremonial workings. In 1951, two of the members, Sister Elizabeth Miller (DG Warder) and Sister E Shardlow (DG Electa), were chosen to take part in the meeting held in Brisbane to welcome the Supreme Grand Chapter of Scotland on their visit to Australia.
Sister Elizabeth Miller, PWM, had been a member and Office-bearer of the Chapter for over 53 years including 28 years as Secretary. Sister Miller was the longest standing active member — a tireless worker, raising large sums of money for the various Charities we have donated to over the years.
Sister Betty Francis PWM, the Treasurer, has completed 60 years in the Order. Half of this with her mother Chapter Ashgrove No 386 (UGCA No 78) and the remainder with Sandgate Chapter.
Other long term active PWMs of Sandgate Chapter are:
Sister Mary Teufel (44 years)
Sister Betty Graham (39 years)
Sister Beryl Burke (32 years)
Sister June Shew (21 years)
Sister Mavis Richards (19 years)
Brother Bill Plucknett has been our Worthy Patron on no less than 6 occasions and has been with the Chapter for 38 years.
Sandgate has a very proud history and we should all remember:
The leaders of earlier days
The workers who blazed the track
The toilers who paved the way
70th Birthday Program – 2003 (and year of dormancy)
Apologies for the quality of these scanned photos.