Lane Cove Chapter was instituted and dedicated by the Worthy District Grand Matron, Sister Jessie Paul and the Worthy District Grand Patron, Brother Frank Simmonds of the Sydney District Grand Chapter on 5th October 1935 in the Masonic Hall, Longueville Road Longueville.
Founder Worthy Matron was Sister Florence Meller and Worthy Patron Brother John Watt. There were 26 Charter Members, 1 Affiliate and 2 Candidates.
Meetings were held on 3rd Wednesday of each month at the School of Arts, Tram Terminal, Lane Cove. In later years we moved to Greenwich; then the Friendlies Hall, North Sydney; then to Clan William Street Willoughby; and finally to our present home in the Artarmon Masonic Centre We have been meeting at Artarmon since 1992 and realise how lucky we are to have such a splendid venue.
In the early years the Dues were 1/6d and today we pay $50 per year.
Over the years the members have found various ways of raising funds for administration and to give generously to many Charities. We are rightfully proud of our achievements in assisting many worthwhile charities. In the earlier years members held a Tennis Tournament to raise funds to purchase a Past Patron’s Regalia. In 1994, and to mark our 60th Anniversary, we purchased new Regalia for all Office-bearers. The Reglia was dedicated by one of our own members, Sister June Booker, who had been installed as our Worthy District Grand Matron of Northern District in March of that year.
Since our inception we have had the pleasure of witnessing the Inauguration of the Grand Chapter of New South Wales, now incorporating the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern District Grand Chapter and in 1985 the United Grand Chapter of Australia when the Order in Australia received autonomy from Scotland.
Lane Cove Chapter was part of the Sydney District then transferred to Northern District Grand until that became dormant and we were welcomed back into Sydney District.
Many of our members have attained high offices in Grand and District Grand Chapters thus bringing glory to Lane Cove Chapter.
Over the years many celebrations have been held to mark the achievements of members receiving Service Diplomas, Wedding anniversaries and “age” birthdays. Our oldest member was Sister Bessie Herbert PWDGM who joined the Order in 1939 and passed to a higher chapter aged 107 in 2014.
Chapter milestones have been celebrated – Diamond Jubilee in 1995 when Worthy Matron Sister Joan Dunn and Worthy Patron Brother George Davis welcomed many distinguished guests. A total of 223 members were in attendance on that special day.
Our 70th Birthday saw Sister Maureen Hillman and Brother Allan Hamilton lead the chapter in a very successful and happy celebration. On our 75th Birthday, we again saw Sister Hillman and Brother Hamilton in the Chair to welcome Grand Chapter and Sydney District Grand Chapter to the Birthday meeting. Worthy Grand Matron on this occasion was our very own Sister Lyn White.
2013 saw Sister June Booker installed as Worthy District Grand Matron of Sydney District Grand Chapter for the term 2013-14. The following year, we were delighted to see Sister Maureen Hillman installed as Worthy Grand Matron and Brother Ian Dunkley as Worthy Grand Patron of the Grand Chapter of NSW & ACT Inc. for the Term 2014-15.
In November 2014 Sister Trish Stanley & Brother Allan Hamilton relinquished the reins of Lane Cove Chapter after two very successful terms of office, handing the Gavel to Sister Brenda Hargreaves to commence this 80th Birthday year, with Brother Ross Jackson WP at her side.
They lit the lamp of Service
Eighty years ago,
And still it is burning brightly
Amidst time’s ebb and flow,
A beacon in the darkness
That cannot dim or fade
A light that will not falter
In sunshine or in shade.
Since then the members have continued to support the Chapter with Sister June Booker PWDGM taking the chair for 2015-16 term, Gail Tredrea PWM 2016-17, Wendy Wallace PWM 2017-18 and Sister Maureen Hillman PWGM 2018-19. All these Worthy Matrons have been supported by Brother Ross Jackson as Worthy Patron, Sister Joan Nay Secretary and Trish Stanley Treasurer. Our membership is ageing now and finding it increasing difficult to attend the meetings, however we endeavour to hold a social each month and raise funds for needy charities. In the past two years our donations to Charity totalled in excess of $9,000.00.
Along with the pleasantries comes a little sadness and we have seen the passing to a Higher Chapter of many of our members whose presence is sorely missed. We thank God for the many happy years shared with these members and memories that warm the heart.
“Since no man knows the future, who can tell him what is to come”
Ecclesiastes 8:7
LANE COVE CHAPTER NO. 70 INSTALLATION 1972-73 Installation of Sister Jean Irving W.M. & Brother Thomas Donovan W.P. Back Row: L-R Sisters Jean Edmonds, Marguerite Holmes, Sadie Cameron, Anne Lauder, Mary Apolony, Anne Irving, Beryl Strong, Grace Davis and Vera Done Front Row: L-R Sisters Rebecca Rae, Christina Smith, Olive Cole, IPWM. Jean Irving WM, Brother Thomas Donovan WP, Sisters Joyce Donovan, Clare Brown and Jean Martin