Something good is happening in the Capital

Sunday, July 28 2019

Capital Chapter is experiencing a wonderful surge of new members!  Mind you, some of these are likely to go to other Chapters (…sigh), but its been an honour to welcome them regardless.  That’s the nature of the Canberra region.  Many come to the Capital for work and stay for a while.  Doesn’t matter !  We will still take ’em :).

The photo below is of our newest member, Kelly Markoullis who was initiated on 27 July 2019.  We had expected to initiate 2 on the same day, but our other ‘to be’ member could not attend due to transport issues …… next month hopefully.

In the Photo is Kelly’s mother, Denise, affiliated into our Chapter the month before.  Denise was a member of Hume Chapter which has gone into dormancy. 








In past months, we have also welcomed Sister Robyn Alcock previously from Bega Chapter.  Sister Robyn travels each month with our new member from last year, Sister Nola Robertson.

Earlier this year, we welcome Sister Sumeda Pagada, who has since moved to Sydney and joined Constellation Chapter.  We received 2 more petitions yesterday in Chapter…. 1 affiliation from Tasmania, and a new candidate (who may end up in Wollongong Chapter!).  We are also following up on a new contact received from our local Masonic Facebook page and another from our OES Website.

Bring it on!